I was recently asked, "Why do you blog about topics that are not directly associated with music and entertainment?" Well I believe everybody should stand for something. We're all here to serve a specific purpose. Each of us were designated by God to represent a specific community of people. That's what I believe. As we get closer and closer to the end of our life, even if years and years away, I believe that if our mind is open spiritually, that we will begin to recognize our true purpose and then all the things and people from our past and in our present, both good and bad, will begin to make sense. So that's where I'm at today.
I started off my journey as an aspiring singer and music artist. As a result of life's trials and tribulations (which I'll be blogging about soon) I was derailed off that path and lead to start a small business and teach voice lessons in 2004. Overtime I've encountered clients that suffered with depression and anxiety from life's hardships. Often during sessions I feel like a therapist and that's not my intent. I'd ask God, "Why do you keep sending me clients that feel so comfortable with revealing such personal things with me right in the middle of a pitch test?" Before long I began to get my answer. How all this evolved over time will need to be a part of another blog all together, but in summary I realized that I wanted to serve the WHOLE ARTIST. Not just coach them and give them voice lessons but to also provide a means of support and encouragement that can help them to stay motivated even when facing personal challenges behind closed doors.
Fact is creative thinkers such as performing artists often struggle in their personal lives behind the scenes. Depression is on the rise and if you haven't been watching the news, we've lost a ton of celebrity artists to this. Whether it's mental health, family issues or having the access to affordable talent training, there's always a distraction or seemingly a set back behind the scenes that affects our work as an artist. Artists are among the most misunderstood humans and sometimes it's a lonely place to be. Our way of thinking is different. We tend to be anxious a lot. We don't sleep well. I decided to add a blog called "A Blog For Every Voice" that is relatable and inclusive to the WHOLE ARTIST and not just the the part of them that needs voice lessons or the part of them that the public sees. It just so happens that the topics that were originally created for artists are actually helpful to everyone. Of course you'll find many topics such as help blogs that are directed at music artists and actors, but you'll also find opinionated or inspirational topics that cover things like relationships, abuse or success. All real talk. All happening behind the scenes of everyday people with an emphasis on performing artists.
For now I'd like to leave you with an interesting blog I came across about musicians that struggle with anxiety and depression. Yours in music! - sb

On October 17, 2017, a blogger at Billboard.com, by the name of Cherie Hu reported that 70% of musicians say they have suffered from anxiety or depression. Here's a quote from that post:
“In Part 1 of the study, published in November 2016, a staggering 71 percent of respondents believed they had suffered from panic attacks and/or high levels of anxiety, while 69 percent reported they had suffered from depression -- a more than threefold increase over findings by the U.K. Office for National Statistics, which indicate around one in five of the national population suffers from anxiety or depression. Even more concerning, 57 percent of those respondents who reported struggling with mental health did not receive treatment and 53 percent reported that it was difficult to find help.
Part 2 lends a qualitative perspective to these numbers, unpacking interviews with 26 independent musicians to understand the various professional and personal pressures they face. From the psychological impact of not meeting record deal expectations, to the always-on cycles of validation and criticism on social media, to working several freelance creative jobs just to make ends meet, to merely being unable to separate oneself from one’s work, potential triggers for anxiety, depression and other mental health issues only stack up over time.”
Find Cherie's blog at: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.billboard.com/amp/articles/business/8005671/70-percent-musicians-suffer-anxiety-depression-what-next